Adult Sunday School Elective Classes: January 12th, 2025 – May 31st, 2025

Registration for classes will be held on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 and December 29th, 2024

Before and After You say I Do:

Location: Luke classroom (enter door 5)


  1. The call to be single and satisfied
  2. How to Develop a godly relationship from singleness to courtship and engagement
  3. Entering the Covenant of Marriage
  4. The Role of the Husband
  5. The Role of the Wife
  6. The Bricks and Mortar that make a strong unshakeable marriage

The Traditional Sunday School Class

Location: Library (enter door 5)

The Traditional Sunday School class inspires and promotes a deeper understanding of Bible principles and life application. Each lesson challenges each student to grown spiritually and apply God’s Word to their lives. The class teaches from “The Cross” adult book curriculum following the International Sunday School Lectionary. All students have a Sunday School book to read and study, modeling the traditional style teaching of Sunday School Class.


Location: Fellowship Hall (enter door 3)

Most of us are familiar with the biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. When Moses died, Joshua assumed leadership and led the Israelites into the land promised to them by God. The period of the Judges occurred after Joshua’s death and is described as a time “when everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Does that sound like today? Please join us as we explore the book of Judges in a verse-by-verse expositional study.

In Control: Your Financial Future

Location: Matthew classroom (enter door 5)

In Control: Your Financial Future is a transformative journey designed to help you grow in your relationship with Christ while increasing you understanding of His financial principles. By learning to apply these principles to financial decisions, participants can experience a life filled with greater meaning, purpose, and eternal joy.

The study aims to achieve several key objectives. First, it invites you to develop a closer, more personal relationship with Christ and to experience His presence in everyday decisions. Additionally, the course will challenge you to invite Jesus Christ to be the Lord of every aspect of your life including financial choices.

The study will also help you put your financial house in order. By aligning finances with biblical teachings, you can achieve stability and live lives of greater purpose and significance.

In His Service,

Dr. Myron C. Duff Jr., Senior Pastor

Betty D. Owens, Minister of Christian Education