Thanksgiving 2023

Dodson’s Update on Global Missions

Greetings, Partners in Global


Yes, as the text above says “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. Yes, we know that circumstances are not always easy, but by God’s grace we can be thankful in every situation, knowing this is God’s will.

First, we want to thank God for His mercy and grace for saving and keeping us and entrusting to us the honor and privilege of serving Him both at home and globally. Secondly, we praise God for family. My wife and I are parents, grandparents and great grandparents. And we praise God for over 53 years of marriage. Thirdly, we want to thank God for each of you, for how you have poured out your love and prayers for many years and many of you have partnered with us in a much-needed monetary support which enables us to propel this great Gospel of Jesus Christ in

India, and in East and West Africa.


In September of this year, I was in Northern India teaching in the city of Patiala Punjab. We are thankful that God has enabled NIBS (North India Baptist Seminary) to purchase the building above. This building is in Punjab. To God be the glory! We now have a campus that will keep us from seeking to rent/lease in so many different places. We praise God for the donors that enabled this purchase, and for the President of this great Institution, Brother Henry John, that God has used to minister to either in class or via Zoom over 400 students per year.


Founded in 1893, Wheeler Mission is a holistic ministry that provides Christ-centered programs and services for people who are homeless and in need. Its dynamic and innovative programming addresses the root of each crisis, effectively advancing guests toward recovery, stability, and self-sufficiency”, with the intent each one having a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. When I am in the country, I have had the privilege to minister weekly to these precious brothers. Continue to pray for them and this ministry.

College of Biblical Studies, Indianapolis, IN. I have just completed a five-week module at the college located on the Northside of Indy pictured below.

Please continue to pray for CBS, which is a very good, doctrinally sound college as we are seeking to train/equip the people of God to reach the Ethnos — The Nations/the different people groups of the world.

The first of December I head out for Ghana, West Africa. I will be training pastors and some laymen in Expository Preaching. We are partnering with Pastor Noah Quarshie who has been serving there on the mission field in West Africa. He has been a longtime friend for about 40 years. He has stood fast on the Word of God. He has been a faithful brother, and I count it a joy to partner with him in this Great Gospel of Jesus Christ! In 2021, Ghana had a population of over almost 33 million souls. What a harvest field beloved. Pictured here are Pastor Quarshie and his lovely wife and two children:

Lastly, I would like for you to pray for this young man in the picture below. His name is Peter Akpasenkpaigye. He has been one of my students in Northern Ghana in the Yeji Village area. Peter has had some classes in the Quarshie ministries and has done studies in a Bible Institute in Ghana. His desire is to be an Evangelist in various parts of Africa. Presently he is church-planting and I speak to him weekly as mentor. Pray that God will keep him, equip him, and use him to enhance the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout many countries in Africa.

Again, I want to thank each of you for praying for my wife and me. She has just undergone eye surgery. The doctor has given her the go-ahead to return to work at the College of Biblical Studies. Pray for me as I leave for Ghana next week. As Paul asked the Church of Ephesus to pray for him, so do I ask you the same, to intercede for me that “utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador”. Eph. 18b.

Finally, my dear beloved brethren as we are entering the time set aside to give thanks this THANKSGIVING SEASON, just remember what God said to His people of Old and I believe the same applies to us today.

The Scripture says: “Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping or (Obeying His Word). Remember beloved “when you have eaten and are satisfied (even around your thanksgiving table with family and friends) and have built good houses and lived in them, and when your herds and your flocks multiply, (and your silver and gold multiply (when your IRA; 401K; or other means of savings have multiplied) V18, you must remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you the power to make wealth” (Deut. 8). All that we have comes from God, as we reflect in this Thanksgiving Season, please let us thank Him, Acknowledge Him and Obey Him.

EACH OF YOU and thank you for
your prayers & support.

If God leads you to partner with us monetarily, please send all funds to our Commissioning Church at:
Trinity Baptist Church
3162 Baltimore Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46218
Please put in check memo: Attention: Dodson’s Global Missions, or Zelle funds to and include in memo “Dodson’s Global Missions”

His Servants – The Dodsons

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